Home Insurance also know as Property Insurance or homeowner insurance covers structure as well as the content of the home from the unexpected loss or damage caused by theft, natural calamity, fire accident etc.

A Home insurance policy provides coverage for your own houses, rented houses, apartments or luxury mansionas well.

Cover both house structure & content

Option to purchase fire accident coverage seperately

Hassle-free claim settlement

Keep your peace of mind

Helps in rebuilding damaged properly quickly

Valuable items such as jewellery, paintings cover

Multiple add-ons available such as loss of rent, dog insurance, etc.

  • One can get comprehensive coverage for both content and structure of House.
  • One can buy only Fire insurance plan that will offer a cover against prils like fire, earthquake etc.
  • The policy also provides coverage for valuable items like Jewellery, paintings etc.
  • It provides you riders like temporary resettlement cover, Loss of Rent, etc..